Monday, June 04, 2007


Forgot to mention the anal relationship Ian has with sand.

While walking on a sandy beach at the lake, Ian kept stopping every few paces to SHAKE THE SAND OUT OF HIS SANDALS. Does anyone else find this as hilarious as me?

He was quite the happy camper when he managed to walk from the beach to the cottage without getting any sand in his sandals. The fact that he looked like an arthritic 80 year old trying not to get sand in his sandals was too funny for words.

I imagine he will dump me after reading this post.


Jenny said...

I think it depends entirely on what kind of sandals I'm wearing how I feel about sand. If I'm just wearing flip flops, there is, of course, no reason to shake sand out of sandals. In which case I'd laugh at someone who was trying to shake out their sandals.

However, if I were wearing strappy Teva-like sandals, I do shake the sand out of those as I walk because I feel like the sand gets stuck underneath my foot(whereas the sand has more freedom-of-movement when wearing flip-flops). In which case I would not laugh but instead get irritated that I had a bazillion tiny rocks underneath my feet.

Eileen said...

Nah, Ian was in pool sandals, so sort of flip flopesque without the thong.

He has always had a rather strained relationship with sand.

I don't see the relationship improving!