Tuesday, May 02, 2006

I am so congested that with every intake of breath I revert to my snot laden, six-year old existence. It appears that I am not immune to the "Yellow Winds". Allow me to explain. Each year, winds blow from the Gobi Desert over Korea and Japan, bringing with them sand dust from the desert. However, these winds whirl and gust through industrial areas and offer free rides to all the pollutants and toxins they encounter and then drop them off at various hotspot destinations...Daegu, being one of them. Doctors warn people to stay indoors during strong winds. However, if you must leave the house then they advise the sporting of face masks, making everyone look like an ER extra on tour in Korea. Of course, the foreigner brigade is above such unfashionable facial attire,( in truth we are loathe to part with the W2000 to buy one), and instead prefer to battle our way to work each day, while inhaling a sandbox worth of dust. I can no longer breathe through one nostril and am going to have to ingest a packet of Actifed. It is expected that all my nuclear attack training will go to waste if there is a blast, what with my intended popping of coma inducing pills.

Gosh darn it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you suck you bitch fuck you.