Monday, May 08, 2006

Last Thursday brought with it our school sports day. Biggest child there? Me. Yes, twenty five year old me battled for first place with five year olds and I was letting no one beat me. Pathetic you say, and to your pathetic stance I do concur. Mind you though, we did get to go to the Children's Park in the city, which is a leafy escape from the incessant Daegu sounds and pollution. The weather was rather warm, but sun and sunburn held no fear for me, as I spent most of my time on the swings or the climbing frame and only gave into the pleads of the kids to push them, when I could no longer tolerate their puppy dog stares.

And before you ask, yes, I did sleep like a baby that night......

Below we see one of my preschoolers...look at him..all worn out. I should point out that this picture was taken we when we ARRIVED at the park. The walk from the bus to the mat apparently wore him out.

Another one of my little tots was more or less glued to the swing. My arms and back are still in tremendous pain from all the pushing.

And some are a little camera shy

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