Sunday, June 25, 2006

Maebh and I are in Hanoi and it is HOT! Not just hot, but very very very hot. However, it is a combination of very beautiful and incredibly hectic. So much so that Maebh is in her element participating in extreme road crossing ( there arent any lanes here and no one acknowledges lights so traffic is a free for all) and I shriek and scream like...well... a girl while clutching her arm as we navigate traffic. Yes, I am made of steel.

We are staying in an adorable hotel with a really nice room, complete with ants and lizards and fabulously strong Vietnamese coffee.

However if one more person trys to sell me postcards I may be deported for commiting a nasty crime. It has gotten to the stage where Maebh and I are pretending we don't speak any English, but we really haven't perfected our art, as when we asked where we are from we are never too sure of what continent, never mind what country, we are from.

Today we are going to view Ho Chi Minh's resting spot... we are going there by motorbike. I hope to make it back in one piece, although the huge sign in the centre of Hanoi saying that there were 539 traffic deaths last year does not fill me with any hope.

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