Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Every so often you hear something beautiful. This guy, a very humble unassuming individual had the power to make tears run down my face.



Jenny said...

I really, really expected him to be horrible. Even now, I think to myself "that must have been a tape!" Really impressive, with cute, chubby cheeks to match.

However, is it just me, or does the top of his lips get a bit weird when he sings? Or is that normal and I'd never noticed that on people before?

Eileen said...

Isn't it odd how we assume how a person will perform based on their appearance. I felt guilty for thinking in such a way once I heard his amazing voice.

Not sure about the lip thing. All I am aware of is that opera singers always shape their mouth and lips in an odd fashion.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Strange how a clip lasting 4 minutes can how you as emotionally involved as a 2 hour long film. The tears followed the goosebumps, that was amazing

Eileen said...

Isn't he GREAT! AMAZING! EVERYTHING! Vote for him in the final Maebh! I think it is on ITV. His name is Paul Potts. This is the first time I have ever been emotionally involved in a reality show. HE ROCKS MAN!

Unknown said...

I´ve just been catching up on my youtubing. WOW that was incredible! He definitely deserved to win.