Monday, June 25, 2007


There will be a great, big, long, boring description of my first week at work, what I do, where I do it, how I do it, how it is treating me and how I am treating it. In the coming week. Getting up for work at 530am and getting home for 630pm has been a little bit of a shock to the system so I shall be a little more accustomed to my farmer like early morning rising shocker in the next few days.

This weekend was spent lying on my rear end moaning as I had contracted a little cold. No doubt due to all the air conditioning......... and work.

Today we went to MoSport to watch cars chase each other around a piece of cement. I brought a book. It would have been fun had there not been trees sapping on me. And bugs flying around. And bees.

Barbeque chez King tonight. I must go eat my body weight in salad, dip and brisket. No idea what brisket it. I shall report back on its status.


Jenny said...

You really don't know what brisket is? My aunt makes a really good brisket with which we make burritos out of. favorite meal of hers!

How many hours do you work in a day? Your work schedule sounds horrendous. I'd quit that job faster than I can type this...or, more likely, I'd keep the job and then just complain about it all the time, eventually weasling my way to show up late and leave early once I proved to everyone how crucial I am to the organization...a bit like how I treated my last job, actually. And it worked well for me - they laid off everyone else in the marketing department except for me.

Anyway, hope you start feeling better soon!

Nev 360 said...

Eileen, I too have no idea what brisket is. I'd be wary.

Jenny said...

Do you not have that cut of beef over in the UK?

Eileen said...

We do have "brisket" in Scotland and Ireland... only with a different name. I never really ate much red meat before coming to Canada so I am still mystified by all the various cow parts available for consumption.